Thursday, May 17, 2007

Does It Pay For Mom To Work?

The phrase "It costs money to make money" is certainly fitting when used to describe the second income of a working parent who has dependent children. The "working tax" on a second income includes additional income taxes, childcare costs, work-related expenses, and additional household expenses...CBS News

I think it's important these days to have multiple income steams. There are so many opportunities with the Internet at our fingertips. I'm a big fan of affiliate programs because you can usually do them from home. I have several, some high commissions and a few low commissions. The possibility is out there we just have to search it out.


Summer said...

Thanks for being part of the Carnival of SAHMs! Don't forget to stop by and see what other great posts we have this time.

Carnival of SAHMs

Anonymous said...

I made $3 from an affiliate lat year. i'm not giving up :)

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